Making the global workforce a reality
The idea of a global workforce is not a new one. For as long as we have had travel there have been people willing to offer banking services, transportation, import and exports, and other endeavors involving long-distance travel.
Of course, the days of colonies and handwritten letters with wax seals are long gone. We now live in a world of emails, virtual offices, cloud computing, smart devices, and interconnectivity.
It’s quickly becoming apparent that with the communication technology we currently have companies are no longer constrained by geographical limits.
What is a global workforce?
In the simplest of terms, a global workforce is an idea that a company, business, or group can have access to an international labor pool of workers connected through a global network of communication and production.
Originally the term was used to reference the relationship between highly capitalistic societies and developing countries, in which corporations from the former would outsource the manufacturing process to the latter. As communication technology advances so does the concept, and in the 21st century, it has begun to take another meaning: the idea that a single team can be composed of members from all across the globe.

Multicultural teams
It’s undeniable that multicultural teams pose a series of challenges, but once they are overcome, the end result is a much richer experience for everyone involved. Workers get to see the world from new perspectives and are presented with fresh ideas which lead to better discussions and better outcomes.
The recruitment problem
The biggest problem is that recruiting a global workforce can be a logistical nightmare. The hiring process alone is enough for employers to ignore it. If 1 out of 100 candidates is the perfect person for the job, searching for that 1 in 1,000,000 can be grueling.
Recruiting candidates from all across the world also requires good infrastructure. A whiteboard and a phone might be enough for local hiring, but when you are dealing with international calls, different time zones, different languages, and different cultures, you need a system that can help you keep things organized.

Workling is the Solution
The good news is that Workling is here to take all the hard work out of creating a global workforce.
We use a machine learning algorithm that takes data and makes a prediction about the fit. Depending on the real result, the algorithm self-actualizes and “learns” to provide better predictions next time.
For example, if the algorithm decided that candidate A was a better choice than candidate B, but it turned out to be the other way around, it takes this into account the next time it faces a similar problem.
In this way, the AI is acting as a sort of pre-screening process automatically disqualifying anyone who doesn’t meet certain criteria. Our team then reviews the final applicants to ensure the candidates that are sent your way are the best possible options. To learn more about the Workling process connect with our sales team here.